Sunday, May 18, 2008

Looking into the mirror

Looking into the mirror everything seems to be so much clearer
As i sat and watched what was there disappear
So fast so quickly so vehemently
Didn't see things turning the way they swayed
If i would have known I promise you things would have changed
Waiting to understand
But took to long and things began to fade
Like a drop of water on a leaf
I absorbed the pain
The heat from the fire that burns beneath my veins
Blackened the most wonderful part of my inner self
The heart...the heart that has been torn...tattered...and ripped apart
Looking into the mirror everything seems to be so much clearer
The storm before the fall
Everything gone that was once galore
Cant seem to look into the eyes of my soul
Everything i stand for seems like it was wrong
I have to search my soul
Search deep within
Set myself completely free and explore
The mirror is not clear at all
But the weeping widowing widening waste that my soul lets go of so that the pain
and heat...the fire and strange anger desire can be no more....

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